Preschool Program
Everyday care for your Children
Our preschool program is for children 30 months-5 years old. There are three rooms that the children are split into.
Our Wise Owls room is for children aged 30 to 42 months, and this is where we conduct potty training. There is a restroom in this room that has four toilets that are lowered so that children may reach them. We try to take all beginning potty trainers to the restroom every hour and 15 minutes to get them used to going. They have access to all of the centers in their classroom throughout the day. These centers include art, fine motor, music, dramatic play, blocks, math/science, and reading. In this classroom they work on letter recognition, colors, shapes, and numbers. They also begin working on personal safety topics.
Our Future Heroes classroom is for children 42 months to four and a half years old. This room has the same centers as the Wise Owls room. There is also a restroom in here with four toilets that are lowered so the children have access to them. In this classroom they build on the skills they learned in previous classes. Early math skills are began in this classroom. We continue to work on personal safety topics. This class also begins learning how to care for animals. They have their own fish, Chase, they take care of.
Our Future Stars classroom is for children 4 and a half years old to five years old. This room has the same centers as the other two classrooms in the preschool program. In this room the children are getting ready for kindergarten. They learn phonics and math skills. The continue to learn personal safety skills. This class has two pets they care for. Sunflower is their rabbit and Maui is their fish.